Prof. Bing Fu
Local Organizing Committee Chair
City University of Hong Kong
Dr. Bing Fu received a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Shandong University in China and obtained her PhD from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, U.S. (2017) in the group of Prof. Julie Biteen, where she studied the light-matter interactions between plasmonic nanomaterials and fluorogenic probes. She was then a postdoctoral associate at Cornell University in the group of Prof. Peng Chen, focusing on live-cell super-resolution and multifunctional imaging. Dr. Fu started her independent career as an Assistant Professor in CityU BME since July, 2023.
Research Interest
Research in the Fu lab focuses on utilizing single-cell single-molecule super-resolution imaging techniques to study complex biological systems, including microbial metal response mechanisms, host-pathogen interactions, interfacial charge transfer in bio-inorganic hybrids, etc. By integrating advanced optical imaging techniques with various chemical, biological and engineering tools, our lab investigates fundamental problems in microbial pathogenesis and energy conversion with high resolution and sensitivity at different scales, ranging from collective bulk cell behaviors down to single-molecular mechanisms. Dr. Fu has published in high-impact journals such as Nature Chemistry, PNAS, ACS Nano, etc.
For more information, see group website: